85 lines
1.7 KiB
85 lines
1.7 KiB
"use stict";
const cl = global.botanLoader;
const events = require( "events" );
const util = require( "util" );
var Infrastructure = function()
events.EventEmitter.call( this );
var _self = this;
var __readyList = [];
this.readyList = new Proxy( __readyList, {
get: ( target, prop ) => Reflect.get( target, prop )
, set: ( target, prop, value ) => {
// Have to emit the event at next tick
// due to error thrown from the handlers
// hangs the process
process.nextTick( () => {
if( __readyList.every( ( v ) => v === true ) )
_self.isReady = true;
_self.emit( "apis_ready", _self )
} );
return Reflect.set( target, prop, value );
} );
this.APIs = {};
this.isReady = true;
util.inherits( Infrastructure, events.EventEmitter );
Infrastructure.prototype.callAPI = function( name )
var _self = this;
var propName = name.split( "." );
propName = name[ name.length - 1 ];
if( this.APIs[ propName ] ) return this.APIs[ propName ];
var path = name.replace( ".", "/" );
var API = cl.load( name );
if( !API.create )
throw new Error( "API does not have support calling" );
var aclass = API.create( Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );
this.APIs[ propName ] = aclass;
if( aclass.ready !== undefined )
this.isReady = false;
var rList = this.readyList;
rList.push( aclass.ready || aclass );
aclass.once( "ready", ( e ) => rList[ rList.indexOf( e ) ] = true );
return aclass;
Infrastructure.prototype.Ready = function( callback )
var _self = this;
if( this.isReady ) callback();
else this.once( "apis_ready", () => callback() );
module.exports = Infrastructure;