"use strict"; const cl = global.botanLoader; const Dragonfly = global.Dragonfly; const doT = require("dot"); const Chain = require( "./chain" ); var VFlow = function( controller ) { var _self = this; return function( so, ro ) { Dragonfly.Debug( "Using Flow: Chain" ); // Retain the scope of caller _self.scope = this; _self.chains = new Chain( _self.Render.bind( _self ) ); _self.chains.onError = _self.onError.bind( _self ); _self.init( so, ro ); new controller( _self, _self.viewData ); }; }; VFlow.prototype.endFlow = function( layout, ext ) { var _self = this; var viewData = this.viewData; var options = viewData.templating || {}; // Layout Chain: Two Column var twoColHandle = function( def, data, _class ) { var view = doT.template( data, options[ _class ], def ); viewData.context = view( viewData ); ElemHandle(); }; // Element Header / Footer var ElemHandle = function () { _self.chains.HFC( viewData, viewData, HCFHandle ); }; // Layout Chain: Header - Content - Footer var HCFHandle = function () { _self.chains.Template( "Layout.HCF", BackboneHandle ); }; // Html Backbone var BackboneHandle = function ( def, data, _class ) { if( data ) { var view = doT.template( data, options[ _class ], def ); viewData.body = view( viewData ); } var jc = _self.chains.Multi( "BotanJs" , () => _self.chains.Template( "Layout.HTML", FinalHandle ) , 2 ); viewData.modules.addListener( "error", function( e, b ) { throw new Error( e + "\n" + b ); } ); viewData.modules.addListener( "complete", jc ); viewData.modules.compile( "js" ); viewData.modules.compile( "css" ); }; var FinalHandle = function( def, data, _class ) { var view = doT.template( data, options[ _class ], def ); _self.Render( view( viewData ) ); }; if( layout === undefined ) layout = "Elem"; var chainLayouts = ( ({ // Defined layout chains "TwoCol": function() { viewData.modules.push( "Astro.Starfall.Layout.TwoColumn" ); _self.chains.Template( "Layout.TwoColumn", twoColHandle ); } , "PureCol": function() { viewData.modules.push( "Astro.Starfall.Layout.PureColumn" ); _self.chains.Template( "Layout.PureColumn", BackboneHandle ); } , "Elem": ElemHandle , "Backbone": BackboneHandle }) [ layout ] // Fallback to try out undefined template chains || function() { _self.chains.Template( layout, FinalHandle, ext ); } )(); }; VFlow.prototype.init = function( so, ro ) { this.so = so; this.routeObj = ro; this.viewData = {}; }; VFlow.prototype.onError = function( err ) { if( err ) { Dragonfly.Error( err ); this.routeObj.reRoute( "500", true ); } return err; }; VFlow.prototype.Render = function( r ) { Dragonfly.Info( "Render" ); this.scope.result = r; this.scope.plantResult( this.useCache, this.cacheTime ); }; VFlow.create = function( c ) { // Proxy the controller // Do not use arrow function // Because the scope will be binded here // We don't wanna do that return function( a, b ) { var cf = new VFlow( c ); return cf.bind( this )( a, b ); }; }; module.exports = VFlow;