Quote in between & PUT impl

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斟酌 鵬兄 2017-01-06 18:05:07 +08:00
parent 664b0f2ec1
commit a6ccf7e4db
7 changed files with 117 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Visit the demo over [here](https://tgckpg.github.io/VimArea)
Common commands are now supported. I am now going to list the commands that yet to be made.
Commands that are going to implement soon:
auto indent ( new line from bracket ), [action]i[quote]
auto indent ( new line from bracket )
Commands that are planning to implement in near future:

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
PUT.prototype.handler = function( e )
PUT.prototype.handler = function( e, sp, newLine )
@ -63,20 +63,32 @@
var stator = new Stator( cur );
var aP = cur.aPos;
var contentUndo = "";
if( sp == undefined )
feeder.content = feeder.content.substring( 0, aP )
+ cput
+ feeder.content.substring( aP );
+ cput + feeder.content.substring( aP );
cur.moveTo( 0 < nLines ? aP : aP + clen, true );
sp ++;
contentUndo = feeder.content.substring( aP, sp );
feeder.content = feeder.content.substring( 0, aP )
+ cput + feeder.content.substring( sp );
cur.moveTo( aP + clen, true );
var stack = new Stack();
if( newLine )
var f = stator.save( clen, "" );
var f = stator.save( clen, contentUndo );
stack.store( function()
@ -85,7 +97,7 @@
stack.store( stator.save( clen, "" ) );
stack.store( stator.save( clen, contentUndo ) );
cur.rec.record( stack );

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
if( 0 < n ) p ++;
var lowerLimmit = p;
var lowerLimit = p;
var Char = et.key;
if( et.kMap( "Tab" ) )
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
tX = f.content.lastIndexOf( Char, cur.aPos - 1 );
if( lowerLimmit <= tX && tX < upperLimit )
if( lowerLimit <= tX && tX < upperLimit )
cur.moveTo( tX );

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
var DELETE = ns[ NS_INVOKE ]( "DELETE" );
/** @type {Components.Vim.IAction} */
/** @type {Components.Vim.IAction} */
var PUT = ns[ NS_INVOKE ]( "PUT" );
var MODE_NULL = -1;
var MODE_VISUAL = 0;
@ -121,6 +123,10 @@
Action = new DELETE( cur );
else if( e.kMap( "p" ) )
Action = new PUT( cur );
else if( e.kMap( "V" ) )
if( this.__mode == MODE_LINE ) return true;
@ -180,7 +186,8 @@
// this swap the cursor direction from LTR to RTL
// i.e. treat all delete as "e<----s" flow
// to keep the cursor position as the top on UNDO / REDO
if( Action.constructor == DELETE && startLine.aPos < cur.aPos )
var IsContMod = ~[ DELETE, PUT ].indexOf( Action.constructor );
if( IsContMod && startLine.aPos < cur.aPos )
var o = cur.aPos;
cur.moveTo( startLine.aPos, true );
@ -189,7 +196,7 @@
Action.handler( e, startLine.aPos, lineMode );
if( Action.constructor != DELETE )
if( !IsContMod )
cur.moveTo( startLine.aPos );

View File

@ -616,6 +616,14 @@
var BracketMatch = analyzer.bracketIn( "[", ccur.aPos );
e2.__range = BracketMatch;
var singleQuote = function( e2 ) {
var BracketMatch = analyzer.quoteIn( "'", ccur.aPos );
e2.__range = BracketMatch;
var doubleQuote = function( e2 ) {
var BracketMatch = analyzer.quoteIn( "\"", ccur.aPos );
e2.__range = BracketMatch;
// Bracket boundaries
this.__composite( e, bracket, SHIFT + _0 );
@ -624,6 +632,10 @@
this.__composite( e, squareBracket, S_BRACKET_R );
this.__composite( e, curlyBracket, SHIFT + S_BRACKET_L );
this.__composite( e, curlyBracket, SHIFT + S_BRACKET_R );
// Quote boundaries
this.__composite( e, singleQuote, QUOTE );
this.__composite( e, doubleQuote, SHIFT + QUOTE );
case G:
@ -725,7 +737,7 @@
var cfeeder = this.__cfeeder;
var ccur = this.__ccur;
if( !ccur.action || ccur.action.allowMovement )
if( !this.__cMovement && ( !ccur.action || ccur.action.allowMovement ) )
this.__modCommand( e );
if( e.canceled ) return;

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
/** @type {System.Debug} */
var debug = __import( "System.Debug" );
var beep = __import( "Components.Vim.Beep" );
/** @type {Components.Vim.Syntax.Word} */
var Word = ns[ NS_INVOKE ]( "Word" );
@ -265,6 +267,73 @@
return new TokenMatch();
Analyzer.prototype.quoteIn = function( Char )
var f = this.__feeder;
var cur = f.cursor;
var n = cur.getLine().lineNum;
var p = 0;
for( var i = 0; p != -1 && i < n; i ++ ) p = f.content.indexOf( "\n", p + 1 );
var upperLimit = f.content.indexOf( "\n", p + 1 );
if( 0 < n ) p ++;
var lowerLimit = p;
// Cursor is at the quote character
// Move cursor inside the matching quote
if( f.content[ cur.aPos ] == Char )
// Mark all quotes on current line
var quotePos = [];
var l = 0;
for( var i = lowerLimit; i < upperLimit; i ++ )
if( f.content[ i ] == Char )
quotePos[ l ++ ] = i;
var indexQuote = quotePos.indexOf( cur.aPos );
var indexEnd = ( indexQuote == ( l - 1 ) );
// Length is even: Quotes are matched
// OR
// Length is odd and cursor is not at the last quote
if( l % 2 == 0 || !indexEnd )
cur.moveX( indexQuote % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1 );
// Cursor is at the last quote
// Beep because last quote of odd length is an unmatch quote
return new TokenMatch();
// Forward
var fX = f.content.indexOf( Char, cur.aPos + 1 );
// backward
var bX = f.content.lastIndexOf( Char, cur.aPos - 1 );
if( lowerLimit <= bX && fX < upperLimit )
var tMatch = new TokenMatch();
tMatch.__open = bX + 1;
tMatch.__close = fX - 1;
tMatch.__selected = Char;
return tMatch;
else beep();
return new TokenMatch();
Analyzer.prototype.__getPairs = function( def, reload )
if( !reload && this.__tokpairs[ def ] )

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Components.Vim.Syntax.Analyzer.bracketAt;
/** @type Function */
/** @type Function */
/** @type Function */
/** @type Function */