"use strict"; var cl = global.botanLoader; var Dragonfly = global.Dragonfly; var EventEmitter = require( "events" ).EventEmitter; var HttpRequest = cl.load( "botanss.net.HttpRequest" ); var Rand = cl.load( "notifysrv.utils.random" ); var Notis = cl.load( "notifyterm.Notis" ); var Model = cl.load( "notifyterm.schema" ); // private static var var AuthTokenName = "WNSAuthToken"; var AuthToken = false; class WNSAuth extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this.__inAuth = false; } get IsAuthenticated() { return Boolean( AuthToken ); } Authenticate() { if( this.IsAuthenticated ) { this.__emitAuthComplete(); return; } if( this.__inAuth ) return; this.__inAuth = true; var _self = this; Model.Tokens.findOne({ name: AuthTokenName }) .exec( ( err, data ) => { if( err || !( data && data.token ) ) { Dragonfly.Info( "Database does not contain access token, authenticating" ); _self.__authWNS(); } else { Dragonfly.Info( "Access token found in database, using it" ); AuthToken = data.token; _self.__emitAuthComplete(); } } ); } Register( ChannelUri, handler ) { var _self = this; var VerifyChannel = () => { var N = new Notis({ id: "Null" , title: "Channel Registration" , message: "Registration success" }); var uuid = Rand.uuid(); _self.__send( ChannelUri, N, ( sender, e ) => { if( typeof( e ) == "string" ) { handler( _self, e ); return; } if( e.statusCode == 200 ) { Model.Tokens.update( { name: uuid } , { name: uuid, token: ChannelUri } , { upsert: true } ) .exec( ( err, data ) => { if( err ) { Dragonfly.Error( err ); handler( _self, "Server Error: Cannot save channel information" ); return; } // Success handler( _self, uuid ); } ); return; } handler( _self, e.statusCode + " Server Error: Unable to push message to channel" ); } ); }; if( !this.Authenticated ) { this.once( "AuthComplete", VerifyChannel ); this.Authenticate(); } else { VerifyChannel(); } } Unregister( uuid, handler ) { if( uuid == AuthTokenName ) { handler( "Malicious action: Trying to remove AuthToken" ); return; } Model.Tokens.remove({ name: uuid }).exec( handler ); } Deliver( NotisQ ) { Model.Tokens .findOne({ name: NotisQ.id }) .exec( ( err, data ) => { if( err ) { Dragonfly.Error( err ); return; } if( data && data.token ) { this.__send( data.token, NotisQ, ( sender, e ) => { Dragonfly.Debug( "Send: " + e.statusCode ); } ); } else { Dragonfly.Info( "Channel not found: " + NotisQ.id ); } } ); } __send( ChannelUri, NotisQ, handler ) { if( !ChannelUri ) { handler( this, "Channel is undefined" ); return; } try { var Request = new HttpRequest( ChannelUri, { "Authorization": "Bearer " + AuthToken , "X-WNS-RequestForStatus": "true" , "X-WNS-Type": "wns/toast" } ); if( !Request.Hostname.match( /.*\.notify\.windows\.com$/ ) ) { handler( this, "Malicious hostname: " + Request.Hostname ); return; } Request.PostData( NotisQ.Xml ); Request.Headers[ "Content-Type" ] = "text/xml"; Request.addListener( "RequestComplete", handler ); Request.Send(); } catch( ex ) { handler( this, ex.message ); return; } } __authWNS() { var serviceAuth = cl.load( "notifyterm.config.auth" ); var Request = new HttpRequest( serviceAuth.Uri ); Request.PostData( "grant_type=client_credentials" + "&client_id=" + serviceAuth.Id + "&client_secret=" + encodeURIComponent( serviceAuth.Secret ) + "&scope=notify.windows.com" ); Request.addListener( "RequestComplete", this.__requestComplete.bind( this ) ); Request.Send(); } __requestComplete( sender, e ) { var _self = this; let JResponse = JSON.parse( e.ResponseString ); if( JResponse && JResponse.access_token ) { AuthToken = JResponse.access_token; Dragonfly.Info( "Authorization Success" ); Model.Tokens .update( { name: AuthTokenName } , { name: AuthTokenName, token: AuthToken } , { upsert: true } ) .exec( ( err, data ) => _self.__emitAuthComplete() ); } else { Dragonfly.Error( "Unable to authenticate: " + e.ResponseString ); _self.__emitAuthComplete(); } } __emitAuthComplete() { this.__inAuth = false; this.emit( "AuthComplete", this ); } } module.exports = WNSAuth;