Extract classes and using namespaces

This commit is contained in:
斟酌 鵬兄 2014-04-11 17:39:53 -05:00
parent ecf187ffb6
commit ee6b75a5b4
3 changed files with 306 additions and 236 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
namespace astropenguin\botanical;
use ArrayObject;
class Args
//parseOptions utilitiese by tgckpg
static function PARSE ( $argStream, $handler )
//Chop first useless argument -- argv[0]
array_shift ( $argStream ) ;
//Initiate ArrayObject for iterator
$arrayobject = new ArrayObject ( $argStream ) ;
//Initiate iterator for iteration
$iterator = $arrayobject->getIterator();
//If options is set first
if( $iterator->valid() && preg_match ( '/^-\w$/', $iterator->current() ) )
//iterate through whole argument stream
for ( ; $iterator->valid(); $iterator->next() )
//Check if reached next option
if( preg_match ( '/^-\w$/', $opts = $iterator->current() ) )
//Get current options
$currOpt = $opts;
//echo "$currOpt\n";
//Test if next stream is an option
for ( $iterator->next(); $iterator->valid(); $iterator->next() )
if ( preg_match ( '/^-\w$/', $opts = $iterator->current() ) )
//echo "$currOpt $opts\n";
$currOpt = $opts;
} else break;
}//End if
//echo "$currOpt $opts\n";
$handler($currOpt, $opts);
//A temporary fix for infinite loop
if(!$iterator->valid()) break;
}// End for
// If option is not set first.
//Try other approach.
// End if

View File

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
namespace astropenguin\botanical;
use DirectoryIterator;
class RegRename
//Define globals
private $test = false;
private $recursive = false;
private $searchDirs = array();
private $patterns = array();
private $replaceStrs = array();
private $excludes = array();
private $logfile = NULL;
public function begin()
//------- Begin Operations -------
foreach ( $this->searchDirs as $dir )
$this->elog("Directory: $dir\nBuilding file list ...");
if ( $this->recursive )
$fileList = $this->getWholeFileList($dir);
$fileList = $this->getFileList($dir);
$this->elog("Searching ...");
foreach ( $fileList as $file )
// Get the file name
// RegExplained:
// Example: /foo/bar/foobar.bar
// $matches[0][0] is the whole string "/foo/bar/foobar.bar"
// ^(.+?)
// This gets the file path "/foo/bar/" for $matches[1][0]
// ([^\/\\\\]+)$
// This gets the file name "foobar.bar" for $matches[2][0]
preg_match_all('/^(.+?)([^\/\\\\]+)$/', $file, $matches );
$newName = $matches[2][0];
foreach ( $this->patterns as $key => $pattern )
//Rename over the patterns
$newName = preg_replace( $pattern, $this->replaceStrs[$key], $newName );
if( $matches[2][0] != $newName )
// Excluede any matches
foreach ( $this->excludes as $key => $pattern )
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $file))
$this->elog("S File \"{$matches[2][0]}\" excluded on $pattern");
continue 2;
if( $this->test )
$this->elog("R File \"{$matches[2][0]}\" will be renamed to \"$newName\"");
rename ( $file, "{$matches[1][0]}$newName" );
if( $this->logfile )
file_put_contents( $this->logfile, $this->log );
echo "File \"{$matches[0][0]}\" will not be renamed\n";
if ( $this->test ) $this->elog("*** Test enabled ***\n");
//------- End Operations -------*/
public function setOption( $item, $value = NULL )
case "-d":
$this->searchDirs[] = $value;
case "-p":
$this->patterns[] = $value;
case "-r":
$this->recursive = true;
case "-s":
$this->replaceStrs[] = $value;
case "-t":
$this->test = true;
case "-e":
$this->excludes[] = $value;
case "-l":
$this->logfile = $value;
//Do nothing
//------- Main Functions --------
function elog( $line = "" )
$this->log .= $line;
$this->log .= "\n";
echo "$line\n";
private function getDirName ( $dir )
return is_dir ( $dir ) ? $dir : dirname ( $dir ) ;
private function getFileList ( $dir )
$fileList = array();
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator ( $this->getDirName ( $dir ) ) ;
foreach ( $iterator as $fileinfo )
if ( $fileinfo->isFile() )
$fileList[] = $dir."/".$fileinfo->getFilename();
return $fileList;
private function getDirList ( $dir )
$dirList = array();
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator ( $this->getDirName ( $dir ) );
foreach ( $iterator as $fileinfo )
if ( $fileinfo->isDir() && !$fileinfo->isDot())
$dirList[] = $fileinfo->getFilename();
return $dirList;
private function getWholeDirList ( $dir )
$wholeDirList = array();
//getWholeDirList will stop untill getDirList return an empty array.
foreach ( $this->getDirList ( $dir ) as $file )
//Store found path
$wholeDirList[] = "$dir/$file";
//Method getWholeDirList will self-iterate if sub-directories exist.
$wholeDirList = array_merge ( $wholeDirList, $this->getWholeDirList ( "$dir/$file" ) ) ;
return $wholeDirList;
private function getWholeFileList ( $dir )
//Get the first level list.
$wholeFileList = $this->getFileList( $dir );
//getWholeDirList and search its files.
foreach ( $this->getWholeDirList ( $dir ) as $dir )
$wholeFileList = array_merge ( $wholeFileList, $this->getFileList ( $dir ) ) ;
return $wholeFileList;
private function validateOptions ( )
if(count($this->searchDirs) == 0)
throw new Exception("Search directory is missing");
else if(count($this->patterns) == 0)
throw new Exception("Search pattern is missing");
else if(count($this->replaceStrs) == 0)
throw new Exception("Replacement string is missing");
else if(count($this->replaceStrs) != count($this->patterns))
throw new Exception("Replacement string and pattern count not match");
catch(Exception $e)
var_dump( $GLOBALS );
die("Error: $e.\n");
//------- End Main Functions --------

View File

@ -1,11 +1,20 @@
namespace astropenguin\botanical;
error_reporting ( E_ALL^E_NOTICE ) ;
spl_autoload_register(function ( $name )
require_once str_replace( '\\', '/', "$name.php" );
//----------- Usage -----------
if ( !$argv[1] )
die ( "Usage: php {$argv[0]} [options] [-d directory] [-p patterns] [-s \"first match\" \"second\" ...] [...args]\n
die (<<<__USAGE__
Usage: php {$argv[0]} [options] [-d directory] [-p patterns] [-s "first match" "second" ...] [...args]
-d <paths> Directories to look over
-p <patterns> Define RegEx patterns
-r Rename file recursively
@ -16,244 +25,25 @@ if ( !$argv[1] )
-l <File> Output log file
-t Test without modifying anything
" ) ;
php regRename.php -d ~/ -p "/(.+)_.+/" -s "\\1"
R File ".mysql_history" will be renamed to ".mysql"
R File ".db_pass" will be renamed to ".db"
R File ".bash_logout" will be renamed to ".bash"
R File ".mysql_pass" will be renamed to ".mysql"
R File ".bash_history" will be renamed to ".bash"
php regRename.php -d ~/ -p "/(.+)_.+/" -s "\\1"
) ;
//------- End Usage -----------
class ArgvParser
//parseOptions utilitiese by tgckpg
static function PARSE ( $argStream, $handler ) {
//Chop first useless argument -- argv[0]
array_shift ( $argStream ) ;
//Initiate ArrayObject for iterator
$arrayobject = new ArrayObject ( $argStream ) ;
//Initiate iterator for iteration
$iterator = $arrayobject->getIterator();
//If options is set first
if( $iterator->valid() && preg_match ( '/^-\w$/', $iterator->current() ) ) {
//iterate through whole argument stream
for ( ; $iterator->valid(); $iterator->next() ) {
//Check if reached next option
if( preg_match ( '/^-\w$/', $opts = $iterator->current() ) ) {
//Get current options
$currOpt = $opts;
//echo "$currOpt\n";
//Test if next stream is an option
for ( $iterator->next(); $iterator->valid(); $iterator->next() ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/^-\w$/', $opts = $iterator->current() ) ) {
//echo "$currOpt $opts\n";
$currOpt = $opts;
} else break;
}//End if
//echo "$currOpt $opts\n";
$handler($currOpt, $opts);
//A temporary fix for infinite loop
}// End for
//If option is not set first.
} else {
//Try other approach.
}// End if
class RegRename
//Define globals
private $test = false;
private $recursive = false;
private $searchDirs = array();
private $patterns = array();
private $replaceStrs = array();
private $excludes = array();
private $logfile = NULL;
public function begin()
//------- Begin Operations -------
foreach ( $this->searchDirs as $dir ) {
$this->elog("Directory: $dir\nBuilding file list ...");
if ( $this->recursive ) {
$fileList = $this->getWholeFileList($dir);
} else {
$fileList = $this->getFileList($dir);
$this->elog("Searching ...");
foreach ( $fileList as $file ) {
// Get the file name
// RegExplained:
// Example: /foo/bar/foobar.bar
// $matches[0][0] is the whole string "/foo/bar/foobar.bar"
// ^(.+?)
// This gets the file path "/foo/bar/" for $matches[1][0]
// ([^\/\\\\]+)$
// This gets the file name "foobar.bar" for $matches[2][0]
preg_match_all('/^(.+?)([^\/\\\\]+)$/', $file, $matches );
$newName = $matches[2][0];
foreach ( $this->patterns as $key => $pattern ) {
//Rename over the patterns
$newName = preg_replace( $pattern, $this->replaceStrs[$key], $newName );
if( $matches[2][0] != $newName ) {
// Excluede any matches
foreach ( $this->excludes as $key => $pattern ) {
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $file)) {
$this->elog("S File \"{$matches[2][0]}\" excluded on $pattern");
continue 2;
if( $this->test ) {
$this->elog("R File \"{$matches[2][0]}\" will be renamed to \"$newName\"");
} else {
rename ( $file, "{$matches[1][0]}$newName" );
if ( $this->logfile ) {
file_put_contents($this->logfile, $this->log);
}/* else {
echo "File \"{$matches[0][0]}\" will not be renamed\n";
if ( $this->test ) $this->elog("*** Test enabled ***\n");
//------- End Operations -------*/
public function setOption( $item, $value = NULL ) {
switch($item) {
case "-d":
$this->searchDirs[] = $value;
case "-p":
$this->patterns[] = $value;
case "-r":
$this->recursive = true;
case "-s":
$this->replaceStrs[] = $value;
case "-t":
$this->test = true;
case "-e":
$this->excludes[] = $value;
case "-l":
$this->logfile = $value;
//Do nothing
//------- Main Functions --------
function elog( $line = "" ) {
$this->log .= $line;
$this->log .= "\n";
echo "$line\n";
private function getDirName ( $dir ) {
return is_dir ( $dir ) ? $dir : dirname ( $dir ) ;
private function getFileList ( $dir ) {
$fileList = array();
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator ( $this->getDirName ( $dir ) ) ;
foreach ( $iterator as $fileinfo ) {
if ( $fileinfo->isFile() ) {
$fileList[] = $dir."/".$fileinfo->getFilename();
return $fileList;
private function getDirList ( $dir ) {
$dirList = array();
$iterator = new DirectoryIterator ( $this->getDirName ( $dir ) ) ;
foreach ( $iterator as $fileinfo ) {
if ( $fileinfo->isDir() && !$fileinfo->isDot()) {
$dirList[] = $fileinfo->getFilename();
return $dirList;
private function getWholeDirList ( $dir ) {
$wholeDirList = array();
//getWholeDirList will stop untill getDirList return an empty array.
foreach ( $this->getDirList ( $dir ) as $file ) {
//Store found path
$wholeDirList[] = "$dir/$file";
//Method getWholeDirList will self-iterate if sub-directories exist.
$wholeDirList = array_merge ( $wholeDirList, $this->getWholeDirList ( "$dir/$file" ) ) ;
return $wholeDirList;
private function getWholeFileList ( $dir ) {
//Get the first level list.
$wholeFileList = $this->getFileList( $dir );
//getWholeDirList and search its files.
foreach ( $this->getWholeDirList ( $dir ) as $dir ) {
$wholeFileList = array_merge ( $wholeFileList, $this->getFileList ( $dir ) ) ;
return $wholeFileList;
private function validateOptions ( ) {
try {
if(count($this->searchDirs) == 0)
throw new Exception("Search directory is missing");
else if(count($this->patterns) == 0)
throw new Exception("Search pattern is missing");
else if(count($this->replaceStrs) == 0)
throw new Exception("Replacement string is missing");
else if(count($this->replaceStrs) != count($this->patterns))
throw new Exception("Replacement string and pattern count not match");
} catch(Exception $e) {
var_dump( $GLOBALS );
die("Error: $e.\n");
//------- End Main Functions --------
$rrgr = new RegRename();
ArgvParser::PARSE ( $argv, array($rrgr, 'setOption') ) ;
Args::PARSE ( $argv, array($rrgr, 'setOption') );