Some drafts

This commit is contained in:
斟酌 鵬兄 2016-03-13 03:30:33 +08:00
commit d6bbf245c6
5 changed files with 454 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
var ns = __namespace( "Components.Vim" );
/** @type {Dandelion} */
var Dand = __import( "Dandelion" );
/** @type {Dandelion.IDOMElement} */
var IDOMElement = __import( "Dandelion.IDOMElement" );
/** @type {Dandelion.IDOMObject} */
var IDOMObject = __import( "Dandelion.IDOMObject" );
/** @type {System.Cycle} */
var Cycle = __import( "System.Cycle" );
/** @type {System.Debug} */
var debug = __import( "System.Debug" );
var Line = function( cols, nextLine )
this.cols = cols; = nextLine; = false;
this.placeholder = true;
Line.prototype.Push = function( content, wrap )
if( content == undefined || content === "" )
this.content = "~";
this.placeholder = true;
if( ) content, wrap );
this.placeholder = false;
var line = "";
var br = false;
if( wrap )
for( var i = 0; i < this.cols; i ++ )
var c = content[i];
if( c === undefined ) break;
if( c == "\n" )
br = true;
i ++;
line += c;
br = true;
for( var i = 0; true; i ++ )
var c = content[i];
if( c === undefined ) break;
if( c == "\n" )
i ++;
if( i < this.cols )
line += c;
if( )
{ = br; content.substr( i ), wrap );
this.content = line;
Line.prototype.toString = function()
return this.content;
var Feeder = function( rows, cols )
var lines = [];
// Last line
lines[ rows - 1 ] = new Line( cols );
for( var i = rows - 2; 0 <= i; i -- )
lines[i] = new Line( cols, lines[ i + 1 ] );
this.lines = lines;
Feeder.prototype.init = function( content, wrap )
if( wrap == undefined ) wrap = true;
if( this.lines.length )
this.lines[0].Push( content, wrap );
// Advance the text to number of lines
Feeder.prototype.feed = function( num )
Feeder.prototype.wrap = function( setwrap )
Feeder.prototype.setRender = function( placeholder )
if( placeholder == undefined ) placeholder = true;
if( placeholder )
this.__render = function( line, steps )
var display = ( line == undefined ? "" : line ) + "";
for( var i = 0;
line && i < steps && ( line = );
i ++ )
display += "\n" + line;
return display;
this.__render = function( line, steps )
var display = ( line == undefined ? "" : line ) + "";
for( var i = 0;
line && i < steps && ( line = ) && !line.placeholder;
i ++ )
display += "\n" + line;
return display;
Feeder.prototype.cursor = function( direction )
switch( direction )
case 0:
return { start: 0, end: 1 };
Feeder.prototype.render = function( start, length )
if( start == undefined ) start = 0;
else if( this.lines.length < start ) return "";
if( length == undefined || ( this.lines.length - start ) < length )
length = this.lines.length - start;
if( length == 0 ) return "";
return this.__render( this.lines[ start ], length - 1 );
__readOnly( Feeder.prototype, "linesOccupied", function() {
var line = this.lines[0];
if( line.placeholder ) return 0;
var i = 0;
do i ++;
while( ( line = ) && !line.placeholder );
return i;
} );
ns[ NS_EXPORT ]( EX_CLASS, "LineFeeder", Feeder );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
(function(){ var ns = __namespace( "Components.Vim" );
/** @type {Dandelion} */
var Dand = __import( "Dandelion" );
/** @type {Dandelion.IDOMElement} */
var IDOMElement = __import( "Dandelion.IDOMElement" );
/** @type {Dandelion.IDOMObject} */
var IDOMObject = __import( "Dandelion.IDOMObject" );
/** @type {System.Cycle} */
var Cycle = __import( "System.Cycle" );
/** @type {System.Debug} */
var debug = __import( "System.Debug" );
/** @type {Components.VimArea.LineFeeder} */
var LineFeeder = ns[ NS_INVOKE ]( "LineFeeder" );
var StatusBar = function( cols )
this.cols = cols;
this.statStamp = {};
StatusBar.prototype.stamp = function( pos, func )
this.statStamp[ pos ] = func;
__readOnly( StatusBar.prototype, "statusText", function()
var display = "";
var l = this.cols;
for( var i = 0; i < l; i ++ )
var avail = l - i;
var text = this.statStamp[ i ] || this.statStamp[ - avail ];
if( text )
text = text();
display += text.substr( 0, avail );
i = display.length - 1;
else display += " ";
return display;
} );
ns[ NS_EXPORT ]( EX_CLASS, "StatusBar", StatusBar );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
var ns = __namespace( "Components.Vim" );
/** @type {Dandelion} */
var Dand = __import( "Dandelion" );
/** @type {Dandelion.IDOMElement} */
var IDOMElement = __import( "Dandelion.IDOMElement" );
/** @type {Dandelion.IDOMObject} */
var IDOMObject = __import( "Dandelion.IDOMObject" );
/** @type {System.utils.DataKey} */
var DataKey = __import( "System.utils.DataKey" );
/** @type {System.Cycle} */
var Cycle = __import( "System.Cycle" );
/** @type {System.Debug} */
var debug = __import( "System.Debug" );
/** @type {Components.VimArea.LineFeeder} */
var LineFeeder = ns[ NS_INVOKE ]( "LineFeeder" );
var StatusBar = ns[ NS_INVOKE ]( "StatusBar" );
var KeyHandler = function( sender, handler )
return function( e )
e = e || window.event;
if ( e.keyCode ) code = e.keyCode;
else if ( e.which ) code = e.which;
handler( sender, e );
var VimControls = function( sender, e )
if( e.ctrlKey )
VimComboFunc( sender, e );
var kCode = e.KeyCode + ( e.shiftKey ? 1000 : 0 );
switch( e.KeyCode )
case 65: // a
case 1065: // A
case 72: // h
case 1072: // H
case 74: // j
case 1074: // J
case 75: // k
case 1075: // K
case 76: // l
case 1076: // L
case 1053: // %
case 1054: // ^
/* stage @param {Dandelion.IDOMElement} */
var VimArea = function( stage )
if( !stage ) return;
var element = stage.element;
if( element.nodeName != "TEXTAREA" )
debug.Error( "Element is not compatible for VimArea" );
stage.setAttribute( new DataKey( "vimarea", 1 ) );
this.stage = stage;
this.rows = element.rows;
this.cols = element.cols;
this.PosX = 1;
this.PosY = 1;
stage.addEventListener( "KeyDown", KeyHandler( this, VimControls ) );
// Init
this.content = element.value;
VimArea.prototype.startInput = function( mode )
VimArea.prototype.cursor = function( x, y )
return this.__cursor();
VimArea.prototype.flashCursor = function()
var _self = this;
var textarea = this.stage.element;
Cycle.perma( "VimCursorFlashCycle", function()
var cursor = _self.cursor();
if( cursor )
textarea.selectionStart = cursor.start;
textarea.selectionEnd = cursor.end;
}, 600 );
VimArea.prototype.VisualizeVimFrame = function()
var element = this.stage.element;
var r = this.rows;
var c = this.cols;
// Content feeder
var cfeeder = new LineFeeder( r, c );
cfeeder.init( this.content );
// Status feeder
sfeeder = new LineFeeder( r, c );
sfeeder.setRender( false );
var statusBar = new StatusBar( c );
statusBar.stamp( -18, function(){
return "1,1-1";
statusBar.stamp( -3, function(){
return "All";
sfeeder.init( statusBar.statusText );
element.value = cfeeder.render( 0, r - sfeeder.linesOccupied ) + "\n" + sfeeder.render();
this.contentFeeder = cfeeder;
this.statusFeeder = sfeeder;
var f = true;
this.__cursor = function()
if( f = !f )
return this.contentFeeder.cursor( 0 );
else return { start: 0, end: 0 };
ns[ NS_EXPORT ]( EX_CLASS, "VimArea", VimArea );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
textarea[data-vimarea="1"] {
color: transparent;
text-shadow: 0 0 0 #000;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
var ns = __namespace( "Components.Vim" );
/** @type {Dandelion} */
var Dand = __import( "Dandelion" );
/** @type {Dandelion.IDOMElement} */
var IDOMElement = __import( "Dandelion.IDOMElement" );
/** @type {Dandelion.IDOMObject} */
var IDOMObject = __import( "Dandelion.IDOMObject" );
/** @type {System.Cycle} */
var Cycle = __import( "System.Cycle" );
/** @type {System.Debug} */
var debug = __import( "System.Debug" );
var messages = {
"INSERT": "-- INSERT --"
, "MORE": "-- MORE --"
, "WRITE": "\"%1\" %2L, %3C written"
, "CONTINUE": "Press ENTER or type command to continue"
, "SEARCH_HIT_BOTTOM": "Seach hit BOTTOM, contining at TOP"
, "TOP": "Top"
, "BOTTOM": "Bot"
, "ALL": "All"
, "EXIT": "Type :quit<Enter> to exit Vim"
var errors = {
"E486": "E486: Pattern not found: %1"
var Message = function( key )
var restArgs = Array.prototype.slice.apply( arguments, 1 );
var i = 0;
return messages[ key ].replace( /%\d+/g, function( e )
return restArgs[ i ++ ];
} );
ns[ NS_EXPORT ]( EX_FUNC, "Message", Message );